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Premiered in 1634, five hours running time, 100+ performances, and half a million visitors from around the world - that's the basic statistics of the world's most famous passion play in Oberammergau, Bavaria. The tradition of a play about the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ every ten years, will be continued for the 43rd time in 2030.

Admission fees have been first charged in 1790, and packaged tours are offered by tour operators since 1870. About half of the visitors are international guests. Not only VIPs, royals, and celebrities have seen the passion play, but hundreds of thousands of tourists and pilgrims. No wonder, the Oberammergau passion play is the most important event for tourism in Germany.

A play of life and death, promised in a moment of mortal threat - so began the history of the Oberammergau Passion Play. In the middle of the Thirty Years War, after months of suffering and death from the plague, the Oberammergauers swore an oath that they would perform the "Play of the Suffering, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ" every ten years. At Pentecost 1634, they fulfilled their pledge for the first time on a stage they put up in the cemetery above the fresh graves of the plague victims. Again in 2030 more than 2,000 Oberammergauers, actors, singers, instrumentalists and stage technicians bring to the stage those events Christianity regards as its central source of life and hope in approximately five hours of playing time.

Get ready for the 2030 Oberammergau Passion Play!

  • 2030' play will be directed again by Christian Stückl with many of the 2022 backstage crew
  • 100+ performances from May thru October 2030
  • Performances start in the afternoon, with a dinner break
  • All our arrangements include two overnight stays in a local hotel to provide a relaxing and stressless experience in Oberammergau before and after the play.
  • Combine your visit of Oberammergau with any tour in Germany and neighboring countries. We'll provide various itineraries for your group tour and provide all services.
  • We can get any hotel and ticket category for you
  • Stay tuned! Contact us already now and be the first to receive details and prices.