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Sustainable and Healthy Travel

The challenges of the climate change and well as the experiences from the covid pandemic left many travelers being more sensitive to the style of their travel experience. This is the chance to do what we always wanted to do: Travel to the smaller, less crowded places. Go off the beaten track. Stay away from the masses. And explore what always waited to be explored. Why stand in lines at Neuschwanstein while there are so many other castles waiting for visitors? Why chop your way through the crowds in Rothenburg while there are so many little towns with timber framed houses, market squares, and historic churches which are not in the focus of international mass tourism?

More than ever we’d like to encourage you to work with a local supplier. Here are some ideas to make your travel experience more environmentally sustainable, more safe, and more relaxing for your group:

  • Don’t overload the motor coach. 30 to 35 people on one of our 55 seaters give not only more comfort, but also allow some distance when not everyone sits shoulder by shoulder.
  • Stay at places for more than one night. Already before this virus, more and more groups travelling with us enjoyed staying at the same hotel for a few nights. Visit an area instead of rushing in and out. Stay in a centrally located place, visit sights on day excursions, and return to the same clean hotel room every night. This way your group does not have to get acquainted to new rules every day, they know what the next night will be. And there is no stress with packing and unpacking every day.

    Such basecamp itineraries work in many areas of Germany. For example, most sights of the Lutheran Reformation are in day trip distances around Leipzig. The same idea works for Munich, Neuschwanstein, and Augsburg. Or the Rhine valley with Frankfurt and Cologne. Or the Northern coast with visits to Bremen, Lübeck, and Lüneburg out of Hamburg. 


  • Visit smaller places. Get to know towns, castles, and churches where your motor coach will be the only one in the parking lot (if there is one for coaches at all). We guide you to the hidden gems.
  • Circle back to the arrival airport. Sometimes tours started in Berlin and ended in Frankfurt. Or started in Munich and ended in Berlin. Mostly this meant that there is the intercontinental flight to one of these airports, and a connecting flight from or to that other airport. Arranging the tour in a circle, so that it starts and ends at the same airport, limits the hassle of another flight. Plus it is more climate-friendly. Mostly it only needs a few little changes in the tour plan to make the trip end at the same place where it started.
  • Try other forms of transportation: Why not do a bicycle tour through the country side? Or a canoe trip? Or get on a hike? Not only that it is fun to be sportive, travelling the country side or a national park on a slow pace offers many new perspectives.

We are sure: Group travel can be as fun, enjoyable, and educational as group travel always has been. Well arranged tours can meet all requirements for a sustainable and healthy experience. Here is What we think a good itinerary should look like.